About IFGF Toronto
What is IFGF Toronto?
A multicultural church would be the words to describe IFGF Toronto. People that come to worship in our church come from many different backgrounds, races, and nationalities such as Indonesia, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, and many other countries.
A big number of our congregations are international students and professionals who live in Toronto and the surrounding area. They come to our church and experience a life-changing experience.
One day when they return to their homeland, they will pass the light and bring new hope to their people.
Our Vision and Mission
We are called to fulfill the Great Commission, not only to let people know about God and the eternal salvation, but also touching hearts, improving lives, and creating second chances.
We are here for the people, as a humble servant and wise counsel. We focus on the people, creating impact and changing them for the better.
Connect With God, Make Disciples.
Pastors Henry and Lidya Suhady
Pastor Henry often says that there is never ending joy in seeing changes and restoration as the Holy Spirit moves in people's lives. His heart is to see generations hungry for the Word of God and live according to His Word. Pastor Lidya is known for her warm presence and tender heart as she brings healing and joy to those around her.